No Matter how long the night is
Eventually the sun will rise
So go down on your knees
And God will hear your cries
Do not give up please
Be strong and be wise
Your problems are going to cease
If prayers you prioritize

She smiles
And also laughs
Sometimes she cries
Because things are rough
To be patient she tries
But she finds it tough
Hey young lady
Nothing lasts!

She decides to fast
To save her little money
And when she is asked
She acts so funny
Oh!She finds it a must
To feed her mummy
What a sacrifice!
Remember young lady
Nothing lasts!

They call her mad
For the things she does
It makes her sad
But it’s the only job she has
To feed the herd
By cutting grass
Relax young lady
Nothing lasts!

The little she gets
She catters for the needs
She saves the rest
To pay her fees
She does her best
And finally succeeds
What a luck!
Full scholarship to the university
Keep it up young lady
Nothing lasts

She is now a surgeon
Earning good money
Their problems are gone
She is happy with her mummy
They no longer frown
But always happy
I told you young lady
Nothing lasts!
Not even your problems…..

5 thoughts on “NOTHING LASTS

  1. Very very true.. Thanx for inspiration


  2. iptisam batess March 3, 2017 — 5:08 pm

    Maa shaa Allah
    Very true
    Useful words m.a…
    Keep it up swee…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Shukran habibty


  3. It has encourage. I should thank u for writing such inspiration.


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